Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's mentally.

You know what's crazy when you think something and believe it your body start to act different. It's ALL in your mind sometimes but sometimes the "thing" that you think about can scare you for so many reasons... I've laid in my room and stare at the walls and think about what I would do "if" but I came up with no solutions. I just simply saw how everyone would respond... the most important people in my life anyway. The things they would say. I'm one to not value peoples opinions but those that affect my life in a big way. After all you have freedom of speech.

And then My thoughts run in other directions and I forgot what I was about to write. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

What's your purpose?

There's times when you feel like you're slipping away but you have no idea where you're going. It's like you're fading into the background but the image isn't really there anymore. You're reaching for a hand but no one notices you.. You scream but its silent. Everyone around you suddenly become deaf and blind. They've become zombies; just walking around without a purpose to define who they are. What's your purpose? Are you living or just alive?

I'm not likin this but whatever imma post it regardless

Friday, August 20, 2010

summer night dream

I'm summer night dream or nightmare whatever you chose

I stand out but I belong here.
I don't need labels. I don't belong on your shelf

when you look at this pic you're
 gonna think I'm a skater

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

its a front.

It amazes me when people all of a sudden give two flying fucks about things they didn't care about before.  Also blaming others for things they should be blaming themselves for. Like Akon said " you can put the blame on me." I'll take the blame since you're too ashamed.. too weak..too insecure.. to take responsibility for YOUR own mishaps. People will never really change... its all a front.