Saturday, November 28, 2009


The door to my heart is shut, but I will keep an open mind. In the process of loving everybody, my heart got tired... for a while love was a burden 'cuz I had to carry you and your package. Brother acting like a model person. Only I know for behind closed doors everything is different. You are a walking portrait. How can the one thing you claim you cherish you act like he doesnt exist when a certain person is around. A brother get mad when I say music is not my dream. I can't live MY life with your dreams... If I do I'm just setting myself up for SELF DESTRUCT. In all this my heart got tired of loving. This heart I have is tired of having to love you and your burdens. The blood that I have pumping in me is slowly fading to black... kinda like how you're fading. You're vanishing like smoke from a chimney. You're slipping from my fingers wait no its the other way around and now I'm falling and theres nothing to fall back upon. From now on the door to my heart is CLOSED well maybe I might keep it closed forever but I will have an open mind.


jeff said...

still loving your work and always will. Talk to you soon.

ollieoxenfrass. said...

"The door to my heart is shut, but I will keep an open mind." Fcking love that!

ollieoxenfrass. said...

I love you twin. Your beautiful internally & ex ...continue to be & stay strong. Keep up the blogs. <3

Theerose said...

thanks Twin <3... I love you too.. keep your blogs up too.. of course you are beautiful.. be strong baby love