Saturday, August 22, 2009

Just because

I woke up this morning to Nicki Minaj part in Best I ever had so I already knew who signed on aim
Yesterday was a great day and I cant find enough words to describe the feelings my heart is overwhelmed with
Just because I had a great day I wanted the whole world to know
I hope it doesn't rain today...

I'm my MAXIMUM never your minimum

Got this far but yet you don't appreciate my effort
I put all of my blood out there but yet you never see it flow
it's like you don't even think that we have the same blood running through our vain
You never see eye to eye with me
Its like your mind is stuck on yesterday...
Living still when things used to be so easy
Being carefree... having to worry about anything
Must you do that to yourself...
Woman grow up and be phenomenal
Though you can never be phenomenal to me but to somebody else you can make a difference
Its hard to forgive you
But I'm on a journey to that path though I stray from it time
the hurt and pain always resurface when I try to forget what you did
And move on with what I have now...
Now you got me stuck on yesterday
But today I evolved...
I'm better than yesterday
I know for so long that I'm a maximum
But now I shout it for the whole world to hear

In a crowd but all alone

Walking in the midst of warm body, vivid souls
Yet everything around me is moving at a speed I cant describe
I'm in a crowd but yet all alone
Somewhere my eyes set on you and as I walk down this path
On a journey to forgive those who have done me wrong, love those who love me, help those who need help...
Trying to be sociologically mindful here...
All I feel is nothing but warmth with no meaning..
Its like layin on the bed reaching for someone who is no there
Reality sets in and I grab the pillow and whisper your name
I look out the window and whisper sweet things so the wind can carry them to you
I used to feel nothing but now I feel the conture of your body next time
I am not in this journey alone
Its us versus the world
we may lose a couple battles but we will win this war