I'm as delicate as a flower yet I'm as harsh as harsh can be
I look like a butterfly yet sting like a bee
I can be smooth as smooth can be but yet just as rough
I'm delicate but I don't carry myself like I'm breakable
I'm not glass so I don't break
I'm not sugar or salt so I don't melt
Bu who I am is: The delicacy of my mother,The pride of my father... the list goes on... But I am never that flower whom you say have an odor
For you see I have a scent
I tingle your nose with my scent
My scent you quite can't put a word to it
I'm a delicate flower that doesn't wither away so easy
1 comment:
In life i've encountered many flowers..but i've only met ONE rose.. N i wont find another.. So i know tu cherish this ONE.. with all the evercoming showers of tha sky and all the rays of the glaring sun .. I will never cease
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