Monday, August 4, 2008

Why I ask but you just keep walking out the door why?

Why would you deprive me of something so valuable? He's so dear to my heart but yet you seem to pull him away more and more each day. Why? Is it that he dogged you and you hurting so bad that you just don't know what to do. I asked you why but you just kept walking out the door never to turn back to see the tear drop from my eye. My tear hit the floor with a thud and I was waiting for you to turn and come wipe the tears that were coming fast but you took a deep breath and just kept walking. I love him its true and I would always love him no matter what. As you walk away the scene in the background of my life change. It becomes gloomy just because he's not here to call my name, pull my eye lashes when I'm sleeping and he's not. Why do you deprive me of something so valuable and dear to my heart.

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